Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Santa Fe

The top photo is me in front of an old snow blower in Chama and Dawn is with another Galloping Goose in Golden, CO.

The Colorado trip was a little shorter than I planned, due to many of the trains and depots not officially opening until Memorial Day. The good news; the packets I left at the closed depots has kept the phone ringing. Several new accounts have come on board during the last 48 hours.

Back in Santa Fe I received news that two wonderful people from the Santa Fe Southern Railway are moving on. Ray one of our engineers is retiring and Leah our front desk and girl Friday is going back to school. Next week is a dinner and roasting for the two of them. I don't think I have it in me to write or say something funny about their leaving.

June 5th I've been invited back to Chama for a book fair. I've never done one. I suppose I just sit there with my train uniform on and look like I know what I'm doing.

I almost forgot. Wednesday morning (tomorrow) I'm doing a TV interview on Public Service TV. They tape tomorrow. I don't know when it will air. I'll try to post a U-tube copy, unless I come across to dorkey.

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